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Our Price Guarantee

Price PromiseYou will not find the resorts we feature cheaper directly or through any other operator.

If you do, it will not be a like for like offer.

  • Many operators and hotels do not include tax in their quotations.
  • They offer lower room categories which we know should not be used because we've been there!
  • They often use scheduled transfers where you will have to wait around and be transported in a group etc etc.
  • Different (usually undesirable) flight times and connections are commonly used by others to make a price look attractive.

Ultimately, we will save you time and money by doing the job properly. And you will not pay any more for the privilege. Whatever your budget, we will try to accommodate your request. We understand that some holidays are special and others are just about getting a good value getaway for a few days.

If you would like more information about our price guarantee, or to speak to a member of our team, please get in touch.